It has been way too hot for June in Denver and instead of complaining about not having anything to wear, I started to slim down my closet. There are too many articles of clothing I don't wear distracting me on my daily outfit search. Grab a piece of clothing and if it gives you a bad reaction when you look at it, (doesn't fit right, don't like the color, has a stain), then toss it in the pile. I will hold onto the pile for 2 weeks to make sure I don't have any regrets then I will donate it.
Ahhh! Very Refreshing! Only the best is left in the closet. This way, I can look at what is left and see what I need. Even though it is hot out, I do need some evening wraps that aren't hoodies.
My secret stash of skinny clothes. Organizers say not to hold on to clothing that doesn't fit but I am not giving up like that. 2 months of watching what I eat and these will fit- I just haven't decided what 2 months I am going to commit to.
I put all the jackets into my armoire- even though it has been wicked hot lately, this weekend is cold and rainy. Couch, tea, and movie today.