Sunday, September 5, 2010

Book Reviews: The Last of the Organizing/Cleaning Books I Will Read

 The Power of Less by Leo Babauta:  I actually liked this book. Identify the essentials and eliminate the rest in a nutshell. It is overwhelming, so he shows the steps to achieve your goal. I consider my decorating style to be minimal clean. I am trying to make to clean floors the main focus of the room because there is nothing better than walking barefoot on a clean floor- true dat.

 Clean Sweep by Alison Haynes: I have moved so many boxes of books at estate sales that I have grown a hatred to collections in the home. I prefer to borrow them from the library and return- unless it is a must-have. This book is a must-have. It is a clean living manual- it breaks down each room of your home with eco-friendly ways to clean and care for. I put too many post-it tabs on the pages of this book, 23 of them to be exact. Loved it!

 The One-Minute Cleaner and The One-Minute Organizer by Donna Smallin: I got these books to see if there is anything I don't already know- there are no post-it tabs on these books. Why am I re-reading things in hopes for a couple new ideas? And with that, I won't be adding any more cleaning or organizing books to my list because I know everything. I feel like I won at Donkey Kong. It's kind of an empty feeling- but I am excited for the next new.