Friday, April 3, 2015

Bike Work Area and Craigslist Hunt

I work part-time at Housegreening, a green housecleaning company and they are purchasing cargo bikes for their business. They want me to come up with a work space design so I did some digging and this is what I have. I then went on Craigslist to look for used items. Used and recycled items are preferred for this project.

These are the items I found on Craigslist- Found quiet a few items that have potential

Love this table!

This lamp may have to live at my house

These cabinets are too pricy but I love them

A red rug for a pop of color in the space

Kitchen cart- not bad

In love with these linens- This lady had about 7 vintage tablecloths priced cheap!($6 each). They would be great to use for curtains for all the windows. I think the different styles combined would look great!

This is the best item I found- perfect for the workstation